Hawthornden Foundation and ABC

African Books Collective (ABC) is pleased to announce a new project. It is kindly supported by the Hawthornden Foundation under their rubric of supporting “organizations that serve underserved literary communities, including in parts of the world with weak or non-existent literary infrastructures”.

ABC was established as a collective non-profit organisation by African publishers to make their books available outside the countries of original publication. ABC supplies the books of over 150 publishers from the African continent including literary, academic, and children’s book publishers and titles in multiple languages. The core ethos is supporting African publishers and promoting African publishing and writing. ABC remits 50% of net income from book sales back to African publishers.

ABC’s mission is cultural/developmental, primarily achieved through a publishing and distribution strategy. A viable African publishing house supports African writers and writing. Literature is empowering for personal and cultural development in any society. This is particularly so in societies and/or languages that have suffered the consequences of marginalisation or oppression whether because of colonialism, apartheid, war, displacement, or severe economic disadvantage.

We have a number of areas that we will use the grant to develop:

Please watch this space for further details.

Support from the Hawthornden Foundation for the above projects is fully acknowledged.

A more detailed history is available at: https://www.readafricanbooks.com/publisher-profiles/african-books-collective-timeline/

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